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COVID 19 Response Strategy

The CCD have designed and developed a COVID 19 Response Strategy to enable the collective membership, at both the Global and Local level, to have a consistent set of objectives over the next 18 months. 


The Strategy focuses on five key areas:

  1. Support to remote market monitoring and joint market analysis activities across our CCD in-country initiatives

  2. Advocating for and delivering virtual support to governments and CCD members on social protection in our CCD in-country initiatives and possible emerging countries

  3. Tailor our collaboration approaches to include remote support and platform models to allow for more bespoke country networks to ensure the greatest impact 

  4. Support CCD in-country members to deliver their COVID-19 workplans and connect them to resources for technical and collaboration support to allow them to do this 

  5. Access funding opportunities for cash and voucher responses for CCD in-country initiatives 

Full PDF Available Here: 
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