South Sudan
Since its official formation in 2021, CCD South Sudan has grown from 14 members to 18 including four national agencies, focused on fostering collaboration at the strategic, technical, and operational levels through advocacy, joint implementation, and collective learning and impact.
CCD’s vision is to deliver aid that enables multiple actors to assemble themselves in ways that are tailored to the needs of the context and response, and which avoids duplication, offers value for money, capitalizes on local and global knowledge and expertise, and creates comprehensive and community-focused programmes tackling rapidly changing needs.
Early scoping for CCD South Sudan began in 2019 with several agencies exploring opportunities to come together to establish a collaborative cash delivery platform. In April 2021, a full-time Collaboration Manager, hosted by CRS, was recruited to facilitate collaboration across the 14 participating members of the South Sudan CCD Network which at the time included Action Against Hunger (AAH), Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), CARE International (CARE), Concern Worldwide (Concern), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Danchurchaid (DCA), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), International Rescue Committee (IRC), Mercy Corps (MC), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Oxfam (OXFAM GB), Relief International (RELIEF), Save the Children (SAVE) and World Vision International (WVI).
Since then, four national NGOs (Nile Hope, Integrated Community Peace & Development Organization (ICPDO), National Relief and Development Corps (NRDC) and Christian Mission for Development (CMD) have joined the network, bringing the total of CCD agencies in South Sudan to 18.
CCD South Sudan membership is open to other international and national NGOs that are not part of the Global CCD in accordance with the conditions set out in the network’s new member integration protocols.
CCD South Sudan is overseen by a Steering Committee and an in-country Collaboration Manager. All the members of CCD South Sudan have signed a memorandum of understanding and agreed to a Governance Framework whose annexes include: The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the network’s Steering committee, CCD and CWG ways of working, ToR for the technical working group, new member integration protocol and joint funding protocols.
The Steering Committee is responsible for the strategic direction and driver of the priorities of the South Sudan CCD network. It rotates three seats at a time on an annual basis and reserves one seat for an NNGO. It is chaired and facilitated by the Collaboration Manager as a neutral and non-voting member of the steering committee. The Steering Committee currently includes representatives of Mercy Corps, CRS, Save the Children, IRC, and Nile Hope.
Funding and Priority Areas
Since the formation of CCD South Sudan, the network has established a governance framework, has its planned activities, priority areas, and annual work plan endorsed by CWG members, established a Steering Committee and the Technical Working Groups, and developed new member integration and joint funding protocols, mapped geographical coverage and capacity of its members, and conducted FSP mapping and joint contracting.
Collaboratively, CCD agencies have engaged with donors, government stakeholders, FSPs, UN agencies and others to INGOs, which has enabled the network to secure critical funding to serve crisis-affected populations through the formation of consortia. CCD South Sudan is currently implementing a multipurpose cash transfer project funded by ECHO through a consortium of Save the Children, IRC and ACF to address basic household needs in Jonglei and Unity states of South Sudan. Under the leadership of World Vision Germany and with funding from ECHO under the Enhanced Response Capacity (ERC) stream, CCD is also implementing a project focused on Data Portability in South Sudan, which builds on the CCD’s established Data Sharing Agreement (DSA). This project aims to shift ownership over personal data used in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programs from humanitarian agencies to the affected people by identifying and addressing barriers to the safe, people-centered, and efficient collection, management, sharing and portability of personal data and system interoperability. This project also aims to increase the capacity of data rights, data protection and literacy across humanitarian actors. Finally, efforts are ongoing in pursuance of additional synergistic funding opportunities.
CCD South Sudan members are also currently contributing to a Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) led and facilitated by REACH to monitor trends in the markets across states and more than 50 counties in South Sudan. Furthermore, the network is working on harmonizing tools for various assessments, fostering linkages with the World Bank on social protection programmes, developing a newsletter as part of the network’s advocacy strategy, organizing donor round tables as part of its fundraising drive, and adopting common approaches such as the CCD data sharing agreement, common or joint contracting of the financial service providers to enhance cost efficiency and reduce operational bottlenecks.