Ecuador's CCD network was formalised in May 2019 and has seven NGO members (Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), CARE, Ecuadorian Red Cross, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Plan International, and World Vision). The inclusion of nationally based agencies has been a particular value-add for the network.
Over the last year, the members have worked together on a number of initiatives and identified the added value of CCD within their country’s humanitarian context and cash and voucher landscape. CCD Ecuador is also the co-lead for the cash-based interventions working group in the inter-agency coordination platform for refugees and migrants from Venezuela (R4V), which is focussed on information sharing and facilitating the advance of the group's work plan.
With the help of an interim Collaboration Manager deployed by CashCap in May 2019, the network also established technical leads and started capacity mapping, working on 3Ws (who does what, where), and prioritising workplans. A new Collaboration Manager arrived in country in August for a six-month deployment to further support the group’s formalisation of governance framework and the implementation of a capacity-based workplan.
CCD members in Ecuador aim to agree on common needs evaluation tools and joint response strategies for different humanitarian contexts (e.g. disasters caused by natural hazards, migration crises, actions integrating humanitarian nexus, etc.).