Social Protection Linkages
Social protection is a fundamental aspect of humanitarian aid. Efficient and accountable implementation of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance requires alignment with local and national social protection mechanisms. CCD comprises NGOs that can significantly contribute to social protection systems by fostering intra-agency knowledge-sharing, capacity building and coordination.
Through the social protection theme, we explore how humanitarian cash assistance can complement and strengthen existing government-led social protection systems while aligning with other CCD areas of interest, such as digital interoperability and localisation.

Social Protection Working Group (SPWG)
In May 2019, CCD established the Social Protection Working Group (SPWG) to better action its commitment to continuously use, link or align with local and national social protection mechanisms where possible in delivering our humanitarian cash and voucher assistance to render them more effective and sustainable. As CCD is wide and aims to provide cash and voucher collaboration and innovation services for effective, efficient and accountable implementation of CVA, approaches to social protection need to be harmonised and cohesive. We can benefit from intra-agency knowledge sharing and capacity building as a network.
The SPWG's primary objective is to offer a forum for multi-agency talks, which are aimed at promoting synergies, collaboration, and information sharing. The goal is to prevent duplication of efforts in humanitarian cash assistance while exploring ways to complement, link, and align with existing government-led Social Protection systems. The discussions will also cover how to strategically align with other CCD areas of interest, such as digital interoperability and localisation.
Why now?
1: A recognition that many who receive humanitarian support have chronic needs that require assistance long after humanitarians have withdrawn – and as a response to the "nexus".
2: The growing caseload and burden on responders to act for longer periods of time, as a result of climate change and conflict, in protracted crises.
3: A push from international commitments (particularly the Grand Bargain ) to use formal or informal social protection models in local systems' operations to complement global approaches.
Image: summary of the special session hosted by CCD on "Social protection and humanitarian cash: What works, what doesn’t and what’s needed next" as captured by Caroline Chapple ©2019 CCD / Chapple Cartoons

SPWG Members
Space for mutual exchange
Sharing of tangible resources
Global CCD Network
Strategy setting
Global advocacy
Synergies with other working groups
Country Offices
Sharing of practical resources
Space for mutual exchange on best practices and technical experiences
Leads: Maria Pia Ferrari, (Action Against Hunger) and Clara Decamps, (Save the Children UK).
Members: Action Against Hunger, ACTED, Care, Concern, Catholic Relief Services, DanChurchAid, Danish Refugee Council, International Rescue Committee, Lutheran World, Mercy Corps Oxfam, Relief International, Norwegian Refugee Council, Save the Children UK, World Vision.
Shared Services Hub
Since April 2022, CCD has supported its members in enhancing the quality, accountability, and inclusiveness of Ukraine's cash and voucher assistance (CVA) response. This assistance is made possible through the CCD Shared Services Hub (SSH), which serves two main objectives: firstly, to facilitate collaboration between NGOs and civil society organisations (CSOs), and secondly, to provide thematic technical support. Specific to the thematic technical support of Social Protection, the SSH has been supporting the Ukrainian response in the following ways:
Social Protection Services for Community of Practice Members
Regular workshops/discussions with Community of Practice on how to link
humanitarian cash with the social protection system and how to leverage the
voice of International NGOs/National NGOs in this area.
Sharing internal and external research on social protection and linkages initiatives.
Facilitating cross-agency learning and exchange on social protection and how to
link humanitarian cash with SP system​
Facilitating collaboration between the different interest groups in the area (CWG
Task Team 5, Perekhid initiative, CCD Community of Practice, etc.)
Social Protection Mapping Tool
CCD developed a mapping tool as part of the Ukraine Response Shared Services Strategy to analyse and understand existing social protection programs in Ukraine and Poland. This tool categorises programs based on financing, availability, lifecycle stages, and vulnerability criteria. It provides valuable insights to humanitarian organisations, allowing them to easily access and analyse relevant programs. The tool also highlights amendments to the Ukrainian social protection system following the 2022 conflict. CCD's community of practice members validates the mappings and promotes collaboration and synergy within the humanitarian response. Overall, the mapping tool is crucial in improving the quality and inclusiveness of social protection efforts in the region.
If you (or colleagues you know) would like to be involved in our upcoming workshops, consultations, or research activities
If you would like us to present our project progress to your team or working group
Please be in contact with:

Social Protection Working Group Lead