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As CCD grows and develops more collaborations across geographies, a structure must be put in place at the global level to ensure the global network is set up in a way that it can continue to support the national networks and field teams for years to come.


This working group was created to:


  • advise on both interim and long-term options that will enable CCD's Executive Committee (ExCom) to select a governance and supporting business model approach that work in concert with CCD’s vision, aims, and objectives

  • develop processes, protocols, and mechanisms to support the interim and long-term governance and business models

  • facilitate CCD-specialised staff's input to the governance and business models’ development (e.g. legal counsels, data protection specialists, finance, grants/awards, and HR experts).


Building on CCD’s Global Collaboration Agreement announced in June 2019, which set out CCD’s aims for the next year, in September 2019, CCD's global network began the process of establishing an interim, global MoU that:


  • formalises the CCD Network’s current ad hoc operations and processes

  • elaborates on members’ commitments to the CCD Network

  • sets the stage for a final, master collaboration agreement to be completed in 2020 (in conjunction with CCD selecting its governance and business models).


International law firm, Allen & Overy, is generously supporting this global MoU development work pro bono.


CCD's governance and business model team's workstream includes: 


  • developing an interim CCD Global Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to elaborate on ExCom members’ roles, responsibilities, and commitments (in the current CCD operating environment), and set the stage for CCD to explore options for future CCD governance and business models

  • working with a consultancy team to:

    • develop a governance and business model action plan and set of scoping questions, with recommended corresponding processes and timelines

    • define a comprehensive list of considerations (i.e. design criteria) that CCD will need to address in reviewing long-term business and governance model options

    • list business model options (each scenario review will include the anticipated steps and timelines required to implement the proposed model, as well as initial responses to the design criteria)

    • prepare recommendations suggesting the most appropriate governance and (relevant key supporting) business model options (with short reference on potentially associated risks and opportunities).


Lead: Jessica Saulle, Save the Children


Members: CRS, Save the Children UK, World Vision


Interim CCD global MoU participants: Relief International, Mercy Corps, NRC

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A draft of the interim, global MoU was shared with all 15 CCD global network members for review prior to our face-to-face ExCom meeting in London on 6 December 2019. Other updates coming soon.

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