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June 2020

Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network is pleased to present its achievements against the commitments made by our global members’ CEOs at the 2019 Grand Bargain Summit as part of our global collaboration agreement.


We know we are better together, and in this time of increasing pressure on the humanitarian sector, amidst a backdrop of a global pandemic, CCD continues to break down traditional silos to undertake collaborative actions for the benefit of the communities we serve.


We have made progress in several significant areas in relation to our Grand Bargain commitments announced in 2019:


  • CCD members in multiple countries conducted joint analysis for cash and voucher responses, complementing and coordinating with other non-CCD actors, including cash working groups where available.

  • CCD’s in-country membership includes 21% of actors deemed national or local, with an inclusive, ecosystemic governance that allows all actors to participate equally.

  • Members continue to work to reduce costs through capacity sharing, collective endeavours, standardisation of operating procedures, legal frameworks, and cash and voucher assistance tools.

  • The continued investment from internal and external sources has enabled the further development of a collaboration toolkit and COVID-19 response strategy to support CCD members through this period.

  • CCD has built an enabling environment for collaboration, which has enhanced trust between members, allowing for more efficient cash and voucher consortia setup.


Whilst we acknowledge the learnings from these achievements, we are aware that there are still further efforts to be made in this rapidly changing environment. With COVID-19 affecting the way we work alongside communities, we are adapting our approaches to the setup and management of in-country networks to allow tailored support to our members, local actors, and communities.


With this, CCD reiterates our strategic support and commitment to our founding principles and enabling the shared CCD vision and intent to adopt a harmonised and less competitive approach to cash and voucher assistance by working together.


Read more about CCD’s achievements over the past year (July 2019 – June 2020) and our plans for the coming year here.


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The working group is actively working on how CCD at the global level can address social protection issues within our collaborative cash programming and contexts. The team's mandate is to ensure that CCD keeps up to date with the growing focus on social protection in humanitarian response. This includes:


  • sharing information

  • supporting and learning from each other

  • defining what an international NGO's role can be in social protection within the humanitarian space

  • influencing this emerging area

  • looking for joint opportunities together.

The group has put together a workplan and has also begun to engage externally with 

in-country CCD partnerships on ways to collaborate. This includes supporting national networks with:


  • mapping social protection opportunities in country and identifying gaps

  • providing a safe space to share ideas for new programmes

  • establishing value adds for CCD's national network members within their social protection context

  • analysing effectiveness of engaging with social protection systems in humanitarian responses

  • collaborating on potential funding opportunities. 

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Collaboration should be easy, but it can be surprisingly complex.  Understanding and aligning strategic interests, transparently deciding which organisation is best placed for the different roles, understanding the full range of ways to collaborate across the cash value chain and managing the interpersonal aspects of collaboration is not easy. The collaboration products and services workstream develops products and services that support collaborative approaches, provide a common framework, and make collaboration easier for everyone involved. 

Our products and services are being developed using an agile and iterative approach. As we continue to learn from our national CCD networks and the work of other humanitarian actors, we update and improve our offerings. The products and services developed are grounded in field-based needs and address the different challenges that have come up over the past few years in setting up and running national CCD networks.

This workstream is organised into six key areas of work that we feel address the major barriers and incentives to collaboration.  The key areas of work are as follows:​


The national network “franchise” model refers to products and services that support the design and management of a national CCD network as well as the design and management of collaborative operations. The primary product from this work area is the collaboration toolkit. This toolkit is based on practical experience and learnings gathered from CCD pilot projects and provides new startup networks with the guidance, tools, and resources to help facilitate operational collaboration between national CCD members. The toolkit covers the set-up and management of CCD in-country networks, the set-up and management of collaborative cash operations, and the partnership brokering/interpersonal skills needed to successfully collaborate.


The “people” model refers to CCD’s development of a pool of collaboration experts. It includes the setup and management of the expert pool as well as the development of expert profiles, a recommended learning path, training curriculum development, and hosting of trainings. It may also include mentoring, accompanied deployments, and other types of services as we learn more about how best to support our collaboration experts in the field.


Data interoperability is focussed on helping national CCD networks developing an ecosystem where all cash actors are able to securely and seamlessly access data to meet the needs of affected people. Initial tools include practical guidance on data sharing and a data sharing agreement template. Another area of work includes researching and possibly piloting a data trust. A data trust is an innovative way to see data as a shared resource that is available to everyone and balances individual, collective, and societal interests.


Sharing principles and protocols finds ways for CCD members’ systems and protocols to be more conducive to working collaboratively. This work includes looking at ways to reduce management costs where possible, centralising capabilities, and sharing capacities rather than duplicating them. This area of work also includes development of common standards for interoperability, including finance reconciliation, reporting, a common partner agreement framework, and common due diligence parameters. Currently this area of work has not been initiated at the global level, but some experimentation is happening at the country level. With additional resources, this work area could be initialised and expanded.


All collaboration products and services are initially developed, iterated, and operationalised offline. If there is demonstrated added value, some products or services may be digitised. The type of value that digitisation can bring includes making tasks quicker/easier, allowing products or services to scale, collecting collaboration data more systematically to build an evidence base, and promoting a common language and framework across multiple national CCD networks. CCD’s first digitised product is Response Builder, a collaboration modelling tool which was developed based on Collaboration Managers’ experiences in the field and CCD’s practical guidance for building collaborative operational models. We envision expanding our digital products to also include marketplace mapping and collaboration analytics.


The “impact” model is not just a model for the global network, it also is designed to support national CCDs and operational collaborations. It is comprised of an accompanying MEAL framework and the collection of key metrics based on said framework. This area of work includes building an evidence base of what makes good collaboration, including the creation of case studies and evaluations. 

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Collaboration toolkits

CCD is actively working on how we can best support CCD members and operations in our national networks. Part of this process is developing pracitical guidance on how to setup and run a national network. With that, we are developing multiple toolkits to provide CCD 

members templates to help design collaborations, governance to run the start-up, and other guidance to support functioning and established networks. 


CCD's global Executive Committee and Core Team are reviewing tools created to help countries in the scoping and startup phases. They will also develop new tools to 

facilitate the establishment and support of functioning and established CCD country-level networks.

Data sharing


CARE has secured the support of Dentons law firm, one of the world’s largest law firms, to develop practical guidance on data sharing and a data sharing agreement template. The guidance and template are based on the highest data standards (the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)). CCD members’ legal counsels, data specialists, and programme

teams are providing feedback on the guidance and agreement to ensure that it can easily be used by CCD members in the field. Click "Read More" to read the finalised guidance and download the template.


CCD is researching how we can remove the barriers of data sharing and interoperability to expand cooperative efforts amongst members and advocate for better ways of working throughout the sector. 


Open communication and constructive, timely feedback loops between collaboration members is critical for collaborations to succeed. For a variety of reasons, that feedback can be challenging to deliver. The CCD wants to build good communication and feedback into the fabric of CCD collaborations and is developing a collaboration peer-to-peer (P2P) feedback app to make that easier. The P2P feedback/building trust tool is under development. It will support the CCD collaboration to listen, analyse and close the loop with members and their key concerns.


Feedback would cover feedback from members at three levels, including: 


  • the CCD concept and if it is meeting their priority needs

  • the performance of the collaboration manager

  • the service providers that are part of the collaboration. 

Members will take a 5-minute weekly private survey. Questions in the survey are inspired by research to make feedback more effective and actionable. Aggregated data and analysis will be available real-time to all collaboration members, allowing them to discuss issues and adjust the course of the collaboration as needed. Once tested, this feedback system may be used to expand the range of systems used to collect feedback from the people that we serve.

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