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CCD Mapping Tool: Enhancing Social Protection Programs in Ukraine and Poland

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

Learn how CCD's mapping tool has empowered stakeholders to enhance social protection programs in Ukraine and Poland by providing valuable insights into multi-purpose cash assistance and government-led social protection systems.

Why was the Mapping Tool Created?

CCD developed its Ukraine Response Shared Services Strategy in response to

the escalating crisis in Ukraine in 2022. The strategy aims to bolster the quality and inclusiveness of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) response efforts. As part of the strategy, CCD established the Shared Services Hub to improve the quality and accountability of CVA response through two workstreams. The first workstream facilitates NGO/civil society collaboration, while the second provides thematic technical support. Under the second workstream, CCD's Social Protection Advisor Clara Decamps developed the mapping tool to identify how humanitarian multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) in Poland and Ukraine can complement and strengthen existing government-led Social Protection (SP) systems.

Understanding the Mapping Tool

The mapping tool allows users to filter social protection programs according to four key dimensions:

CCD Social Protection Map
  1. Based on its financing, it identifies whether the program is contributory or non-contributory;

  2. It determines if the program is universal or means-tested, depending on its availability to all or only low-income individuals/families;

  3. The tool classifies programs based on lifecycle stages and;

  4. The targeted vulnerability criteria.

The mapping then provides programmatic details according to the amount received by the recipient, the duration of the benefit, the government entity granting the enrolment into the programme, the eligibility criteria, and any other relevant information (e.g. documents required to apply, processing time, etc.).

Benefits and Usability

The live mapping tool provides useful insights to the members of CCD's community of practice and other humanitarian organisations. With the help of filters, organisations can easily access and analyse appropriate social protection programs based on specific population groups. For example, those working towards children's well-being can filter the mapping to identify programs that cater to this group.

Ukrainian Social Protection System and Conflict Response

The mapping tool highlights the amendments made by the government in response to the 2022 conflict. Users can learn how program design and operations were modified, such as relaxed eligibility criteria to include more potential recipients. The mapping of Ukraine is based solely on primary legal sources and will be continuously updated to capture enacted changes accurately.

Validation and Collaboration

Clara Decamps delivering SP Workshop in Ukraine

Members of CCD's community of practice in Ukraine and Poland have provided legal advice and operational verification to complement and validate the mappings. This has helped to create a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the situation in both countries.

Identifying Linkages Between CVA and Social Protection Programmes

CCD has led exercises in Poland and Ukraine to identify linkages between CVA and social protection programs. In Poland, CCD has chaired the Social Protection Task Force under the Cash Working Group since March 2023. In Ukraine, CCD and Mercy Corps (on behalf of the Ukraine Cash Consortium) held a Social Protection Linkages Workshop in Kyiv in July 2023, attended by CCD's community of practice NGOs, UN agencies, cash working group members, and relevant social protection stakeholders. The workshop boosted participants' confidence in linking with the social protection system when designing a program and intervention.

Further information on the methodology used to identify linkages and the results of the exercises are forthcoming (watch this space!).

A Resource for Social Protection

The mapping tool is crucial in enhancing the understanding and implementation of social protection programs in Ukraine and Poland. By providing comprehensive information and promoting collaboration, this tool empowers stakeholders to assess, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate social protection activities more effectively. As the humanitarian response continues to evolve, the mapping tool will remain valuable in improving the region's quality and inclusiveness of assistance efforts.



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