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Romania Cash Localisation Pilot

The recently concluded Romania Cash Localisation Pilot, led by Action Against Hunger and CCD, aimed to enhance local NGOs' ability to provide Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) to Ukrainian refugees.
By employing a cascading model and a Trainer of Trainers approach, the pilot provided tailored mentorship to three key Romanian NGOs—Bucovina Institute Association, Asociația din Suflet la Zâmbet, and Fundația Ucrainenilor Huțuli din România.

This initiative strengthened operational capacities, fostered valuable partnerships, and offered critical insights into the effectiveness of locally-led humanitarian responses. The lessons learned from this pilot will help refine future efforts and support locally-driven humanitarian work.


Explore the full review of the Romania Cash Localisation Pilot here.

Data Interoperability 

Ground Truth Solutions/CCD / World Vision International, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology 2023. Lead author, Serhii Tytiuk. Cash and voucher assistance has emerged as an instrumental tool for relief in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian cash response has become the largest cash initiative the humanitarian sector has ever witnessed. In this highly digital humanitarian response, concerns exist regarding collecting and sharing personal data. Aid organisations need certain information for verification and de-duplication, so this raises pertinent questions: What kind of data is being collected? And for what purposes? Is it for de-duplication, identification, donor requirements, or other reasons? We conducted qualitative consultations with 15 people who applied for cash assistance. We followed this with phone surveys of 1,005 people living in Ukraine to understand their data-sharing behaviour, their perceptions of data protection, and their information needs and concerns.

User Journeys 

“No-one has ever helped me like this.” User journeys of cash recipients in Ukraine

Ground Truth Solutions/CCD 2023. In January 2023, Ground Truth Solutions in collaboration with the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network started a project to study the experiences and perceptions of people who applied for or received cash assistance in Ukraine, both from humanitarian organisations and through government social protection schemes. Building on the initial findings from our first round of research conducted in January–June 2023, this second round delves deeper into the experiences of cash assistance recipients.

Ground Truth Solutions/CCD / 2023. In line with the commitment of aid providers in the Grand Bargain¹, cash assistance has been an increasingly prevalent form of aid since 2016 and is people’s preferred way to receive support in Ukraine.² Cash providers can rely on a functioning state system and a range of financial service providers in Ukraine. Ground Truth Solutions has been working with the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD) since January 2023 to understand people’s experiences with cash assistance. Our first report, published in July 2023, provides an overview of people’s diverse experiences, from first hearing about available assistance to receiving and spending it. The second report of December 2023 documents nine user journeys of people with specific profiles in terms of location, displacement status, age, and challenges. This report provides a general analysis of the main themes that emerged from 40 qualitative interviews conducted between August and September 2023, which served as the basis of the user journeys. It adds context and additional knowledge to the most important findings regarding cash recipients’ experiences in Ukraine, and provides recommendations for how to improve specific issues.

Ground Truth Solutions/CCD 2023. Cash as a way of providing assistance plays a crucial role in the Ukraine humanitarian response. As part of a project with the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD), Ground Truth Solutions is conducting a qualitative study with people who applied for or received cash assistance in Ukraine. The objective of the study is to document the experiences with and perceptions of cash assistance in Ukraine and to ensure that this insight drives improvements to humanitarian cash programmes and state-provided social protection support in real time. In the first of three rounds, we conducted in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 90 people who applied for or received cash assistance. These took place between March and April 2023. Because we wanted to understand a broad range of experiences with cash assistance in Ukraine, we spoke to people living in different places who differed in their displacement status, needs and type of cash assistance they received. Data will be collected again in August 2023 and March 2024.

Social Protection 

CCD/Global Protection Cluster (GPC) 2023. Authors: Philippa Young (CCD), Julia Grasset, (Ukraine Regional C4PTF), Antoine Sciot, (Ukraine Regional C4PTF). This learning report stems from bilateral discussions with the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network’s members in Ukraine and Poland, many of whom were on the cusp of designing or implementing Cash for Protection (C4P) programmes as part of the Ukraine response and were seeking learning and experience from each other. Together with the Regional Cash for Protection Task Force (C4PTF), it was agreed to commission this learning report to understand what programming is being labelled as C4P within the context of the Ukraine response, what elements and parameters make up this programming, and how the programmes are operationalised. The objective of this research was to gather and analyse C4P programmatic experience and lessons learned from the Ukraine crisis response to support the work of agencies engaging in C4P as part of the response while contributing to the global bank of operational learning and guidance on C4P. Recommendations are formulated to inform current responses, but also future ones.

CCD/Global Protection Cluster (GPC) 2023. Автори: Філіппа Янг (CCD), Джулія Грассет (Український регіональний C4PTF), Антуан Сьо (Український регіональний C4PTF). Цей навчальний звіт є результатом двосторонніх обговорень з членами Мережі спільної доставки готівки (CCD) в Україні та Польщі, багато з яких були на порозі розробки або впровадження програм «Готівка для захисту» (C4P) у рамках відповіді в Україні та прагнули отримати знання. і досвід один від одного. Разом із Регіональною цільовою групою «Готівка для захисту» (C4PTF) було погоджено замовити цей навчальний звіт, щоб зрозуміти, яке програмування позначається як C4P у контексті відповіді України, які елементи та параметри складають це програмування та як програми введені в дію. Мета цього дослідження полягала в тому, щоб зібрати та проаналізувати програмний досвід C4P та уроки, отримані під час реагування на кризу в Україні, щоб підтримати роботу агенцій, які беруть участь у C4P як частину реагування, одночасно вносячи внесок у глобальний банк оперативного навчання та керівництва щодо C4P. Рекомендації сформульовані для інформування про поточні відповіді, але також і про майбутні.

CCD/UCC 2023. Authors: Louisa Lippi, Social Protection Advisor (consultant) for the Ukraine Cash Consortium (UCC) and Clara Decamps, Social Protection Advisor (CCD). This paper explores the extent to which humanitarian Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) in Ukraine has been able to leverage different elements of the delivery chain of national social protection (SP) programming. There are significant similarities between humanitarian cash assistance and SP, but there are also key differences that may impede leveraging the SP system to deliver assistance. Understanding these differences is as important as understanding the context in which linkages could occur.

CCD/UCC 2023. Authors: Louisa Lippi, Social Protection Advisor (consultant) for the Ukraine Cash Consortium (UCC) and Clara Decamps, Social Protection Advisor (CCD). CCD partnered with Ukraine Cash Consortium (UCC) to build on CCD’s work of mapping the SP system in Ukraine to advance in identifying alignment options for humanitarian cash assistance design programming within Ukraine’s SP system. The exercise first started with the facilitation of a workshop on 4 July 2023 attended by CCD Community of Practice members and other relevant stakeholders such as the Cash Working Group (CWG) chairs, the CWG Task Team 5 (TT5) members and the Perekhid Initiative’s Technical Assistance Facility members. Invitations to the workshop were extended to organisations outside of the CCD to ensure coordination and synergies between all SP related initiatives. This discussion paper is building on the workshop and aims to present humanitarian organisations with program design options for humanitarian cash programming aligning to the SP system in Ukraine. This paper begins with an overview of the situation in Ukraine, then moves to a brief description of the structure of the SP system in Ukraine and a brief snapshot of the emergency cash transfers currently being delivered by humanitarian actors and the government. The last section provides a gap analysis of the current benefits across the lifecycle along with recommendations of how humanitarian actors can link with and fill the gaps of the cash benefits provided through Ukraine’s social insurance and social assistance systems.

CCD/UCC 2023. Authors, Clara Decamps, Social Protection Advisor (CCD), Alicia Fairfield Interim UCC Director. This summary tool of the discussion paper highlights the alignment options for each lifecycle stage (maternity to old age, plus disability which runs through the entire lifecycle) according to the analytical framework, triangulating gaps in coverage, income gaps from transfer values of social protection programs, and ongoing unmet needs. It is highly recommended that this summary paper be read in conjunction with the full discussion paper to understand the full analysis and evidence.

CCD 2023. Author, Clara Decamps, Social Protection Advisor (CCD). CCD developed a mapping tool as part of the Ukraine Response Shared Services Strategy to analyse and understand existing social protection programs in Ukraine and Poland. This tool categorises programs based on financing, availability, lifecycle stages, and vulnerability criteria. It provides valuable insights to humanitarian organisations, allowing them to easily access and analyse relevant programs. The tool also highlights amendments to the Ukrainian social protection system following the 2022 conflict. CCD's community of practice members validates the mappings and promotes collaboration and synergy within the humanitarian response. Overall, the mapping tool is crucial in improving the quality and inclusiveness of social protection efforts in the region.

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