Author: Laura Gordon, Project Lead, 2025. CCD implemented a project in 2023-4 to develop a harmonised tool for due diligence of local partners. The pilot faced a number of challenges and was ultimately not able to reach its targets in the project timeline. However, it produced a due diligence assessment tool that received strongly positive feedback and generated useful learning for future innovation attempts. CCD’s flexibility and willingness to share our tool has also supported other projects to build on it directly – moving forward what must ultimately be a sector-wide reform effort. Additionally, through networking with other related initiatives as part of the project, a Community of Practice for Due Diligence Reform has been formed. This has already generated momentum with several meetings, the formation of a steering committee and a planned formal launch event. If this progress continues, the Community of Practice will represent a significant legacy for the project - as well as a further lesson around the non-linear pathways to innovation and the importance of flexibility.
Author: Laura Gordon, Project Lead, 2025. CCD implemented a project in 2023-4 to develop a harmonised tool for capacity assessments carried out on local partners prior to commencing humanitarian cash programming (cash capacity assessments). Despite an initially small pilot, confined to five humanitarian NGOs and their partners in Ukraine, Türkiye and North-West Syria, this project has proved highly successful. Participating NGOs have already applied the tool to new contexts, new NGOs have requested to use the tool, and some NGOs have even adopted it as their primary assessment tool. The tool will now be adopted as an official ‘CCD tool’ and is available via the website. It has also been linked with our Cash Trainer of Trainers model and the training materials this produced – further expanding its scope to support local partners to take on a leading role in cash programming. There are therefore significant lessons to learn from the project to support future innovation planning and programmes.
Local NGO surveys in many contexts have repeatedly identified repetitive and burdensome capacity assessments as a concern. At the same time, a lack of rigor or consistency in international NGO practices makes it impossible to accurately assess local NGO capacity and support them to grow their skills or take on a leading role in programming – reinforcing the traditional, inequitable partnership model. To address this concern, in 2023-4 CCD, with the support of the DEC, developed a harmonised tool that was piloted by five INGOs (Actional Against Hunger, Concern, Oxfam, Save the Children; World Vision) and their partners in Turkiye, North West Syria and Ukraine. The project was well-received, with users praising the tool and quickly expanding it to new contexts. It has now been approved as a CCD tool by the CCD Localisation Working Group and is available along with its accompanying guidance in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Ukrainian. There are also available training resources in the form of a video and slides. Further materials, including learning materials produced as part of the project, are available via the publications tab. Alongside the Cash Capacity Asesssment Harmonisation project, CCD carried out a separate project on Due Diligence harmonisation. This project is now archived with learning materials available. Follow up on the project will be via the Due Diligence Community of Practice.
In continuation of CCD’s interoperability agenda i.e. increasing interoperability of processes, systems, ways of working, governance, approaches etc, among member agencies to improve the operational efficiencies of the NGO model of CVA delivery that will increase accountability to affected people, CCD is implementing a Phase 1 pilot project to harmonise (1) due diligence and (2) cash capacity assessment processes among the participating CCD and Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) member agencies within the ongoing humanitarian responses.